What would a world without money look like? (2024)

What would a post-money future look like? Society is plagued by inequalities globally and a climate crisis that threatens our very future. Money is fatally implicated in both. However, money and capital are both chicken and egg. Money is not simply a tool, rather money as we know it refers to codes of conduct that structure social relations critical to the operation and reproduction of capitalism. For this reason, money is a significant barrier to imagining a world beyond capitalism.

In a compelling thought experiment, Beyond Money: A Postcapitalist Strategy, author Anitra Nelson deepens our understanding of money as the key stumbling block to achieving socio-political, economic and climate justice on earth. Grounded in historical debates and drawing on a spectrum of political and economic thought, Nelson covers a range of topics including women’s liberation, technology, debt, and Indigenous rights activism. The result is an incisive, radical imagining of a post-money future.

Huck spoke to Nelson about the role that money plays in today’s capitalist world and pathways towards non-monetary economies based on real values.

Why do you think it is so hard for people to imagine a world without money?

From when we’re very young, money is as familiar to us as a language. It is learned from your parents in the same terms as walking and talking. And so I think that it’s very difficult for people not to see it as something that’s natural.

I think that a lot of people are actually suspicious of money in their everyday lives. They know what it’s like to go to buy something and think ‘how come this is so cheap?’ or ‘how come this is so dear?’ All of the oddities of the economy are very clear to people. Some of the most intelligent people say they don’t understand economics. However, rather than thinking that there’s something wrong here, they think: ‘I can’t see what the pattern is here’. This is why I refer to myself as an ‘anti-economist’.

You discuss in the book how instead of a world built on ‘exchange value’ – monetary value and prices – we can create a world based on ‘real values’. Can you explain your distinction between exchange value vs. real value?

By monetary values, I’m talking about prices. Basically, all kinds of monetary relations that we have with people; incomes, all kinds of expenditures. Whereas real values are mainly divided into social and ecological values. In other words, the kinds of values that we have if we have a caring or solidarity economy. In terms of ecological values, we’re looking at an acknowledgement that we rely on earth in order to live and that the earth also has limits.

A chapter in your book is titled “System change not climate change”. How does our relationship with money abstract us from nature?

The whole notion of giving money to receive it is tied up with private property. This is quite different from an economy where indigenous people, for example, share goods, because there just isn’t that concept of private property.

The primary interest of human beings is on: what’s the supply? What’s the demand? It’s an intrapersonal focus that people establish and it automatically means they’re not thinking of the earth – the first place that the goods or the services arises from. Nor do they see themselves as part of nature. It establishes a strong sense of priority for people, over anything else.

In your book, you write that ecology and feminism are central pillars to move beyond money. Why do you think this is?

At the moment, I see the primary challenges as the deepening inequalities between people and environmental unsustainability, of which rising carbon emissions is really just the tip of the iceberg. Like non-capitalist societies, we need to have a greater acknowledgement of the importance of ecology in our lives so we’re actually growing ecology, not the economy.

In terms of feminism, since the 1960s, the women’s movement has directed a lot of attention to the non-monetary valuation of domestic work. It gives a perfect body of discourse for me to demonstrate what monetary value fails to do and raises a whole series of interesting questions in terms of unpaid work.

In the book, you discuss a shift from subsistence economy to care economy. Can you explain what you mean by care economy?

The care economy, as used from a deep-feminist or eco-feminist perspective, is a holistic look at our economies. I have to separate that out from mainstream uses of the word ‘care economy’, usually referring to the care sector.

We’re looking beyond just people caring. What care-economy perspectives do is to try to envisage the whole of production for our society, all economic measures, as if they were care. As if farming is care for the earth. As if, when I train or educate someone, I’m caring for that person as I do it. It’s basically creating a framework of care around everything that we do.

How can people living in capitalist societies begin to apply ‘real values’ to their lives now?

Everyone does actually apply real values in some way, shape or form in their everyday lives. Think about the relationships we have with the people who are closest to us and how these jump out of a monetary framework. When we have children we tend to give to them freely. A lot of people’s most personal relationships are in fact non-monetary. Also, think about the things you really enjoy in your life that don’t involve getting or giving money.

But if it was a matter of people just changing the ways they practice in order to transform society, I’d write a quite different book. My argument is that we actually have to change the ways our society works. That in itself has to be a movement that includes working out ways to produce and exchange. Rather than having private property, we have to see the earth as commons, which gives us the freedom to co-govern.

Interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Beyond Money:A Postcapitalist Strategy is available now on Pluto Books.

Follow Eve Upton-Clark on Twitter.

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What would a world without money look like? (2024)


What would a world without money look like? ›

In such a world, people would be more driven by passion than their need for earning for survival. Happiness would be linked with things outside of monetary value, since there would be none. Technology and infrastructure would be owned by everyone (that's not to say the concept of private property is absent.

What will happen if there is no money in the world? ›

Perhaps the easiest way to think about the role of money is to consider what would change if we did not have it. If there were no money, we would be reduced to a barter economy. Every item someone wanted to purchase would have to be exchanged for something that person could provide.

How would the world function without money? ›

A world without money will require an extremely ideal approach as when people are stripped of the incentives of activity, they choose to not participate in the activity. If workers receive no rewards, they will not work. But this will not eradicate any of the human needs crucial to the survival of humanity.

What would happen if the world stopped using money? ›

If everybody stopped using money and trading things, complete chaos would ensue because it would be impossible to maintain the economic system as we know it. The use of money as medium of exchange and measure and storage of value is currently crucial for the economy.

What is a world without money called? ›

Altruistic society: as proposed by Mark Boyle, a moneyless economy is a model "on the basis of materials and services being shared unconditionally" that is, without explicit or formal exchange. The subsistence economy, which caters only for essentials, often without money.

How will the world look like without money? ›

A world without money would have completely reworked social hierarchies. Maybe people would be valued differently- there could be a completely meritocratic system, there could be a democracy, of course, or any of the other systems we have today.

Can we survive without money? ›

In addition to a decrease in stress over financial concerns, living without money offers many possible benefits such as reducing your environmental impact, increasing your understanding and appreciation of what you have, and helping you live a more purposeful life.

Do we even need money? ›

Human beings need money to pay for all the things that make your life possible, such as shelter, food, healthcare bills, and a good education.

Does society need money? ›

Money facilitates commercial transactions, enabling people to obtain the resources to survive and to thrive from others. Money functions as a medium of exchange to support these spot commercial transactions between buyers and sellers.

Why do we need money? ›

Money allows us to meet our basic needs—to buy food and shelter and pay for healthcare. Meeting these needs is essential, and if we don't have enough money to do so, our personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of the community as a whole suffers greatly.

What will replace the dollar? ›

But that begs a critical question: What would replace the dollar? Some say it will be the euro; others, perhaps the Japanese yen or China's renminbi. And some call for a new world reserve currency, possibly based on the IMF's Special Drawing Right or SDR, a reserve asset.

Is the U.S. dollar in trouble? ›

U.S. economic growth has proved resilient despite aggressive Federal Reserve interest rate hikes in 2023. Strong growth and higher U.S. interest rates have led to the U.S. dollar index hovering toward the high end of its 20-year range.

What countries are dumping the U.S. dollar? ›

In December of 2023, Russia and China expressed 'their intent to abandon the US dollar in their bilateral transactions'. For several years, Russia had already been using the Euro as a 'preferred settlement currency within BRICS'.

Is there happiness without money? ›

Once you learn to be content with what you have, you will realise that happiness comes from within and that if you rely on money for your happiness you cannot ever be happy for real. While having money doesn't guarantee happiness, it doesn't prevent you from being happy either and you can still be happy without it.

Does money need to exist? ›

If there were no money, we would be reduced to a barter economy. Every item someone wanted to purchase would have to be exchanged for something that person could provide.

Are there countries without money? ›

193 UN members +Palestine, Kosovo, Taiwan and the Vatican that does not use any currency. Those are arguably the most recognized countries. Even mostly and universally unrecognized nations have currencies: Somaliland for example got the Somaliland Shilling.

What will happen if you have no money? ›

If you don't have enough money to live on, you might be able to get help to afford essentials like bills and food. This includes the Household Support Fund and cost of living payments. You should check if you can claim benefits - you might be able to do this even if you work, have savings or own a home.

What would happen if money stopped being made? ›

If the U.S. dollar collapses: The cost of imports will become more expensive. The government wouldn't be able to borrow at current rates, resulting in a deficit that would need to be paid by increasing taxes or printing money.

What would happen to the economy if there was no money? ›

Without money there would be less trade and therefore less specialization and productive inefficiency. Therefore, from the same quantity of resources, LESS would be produced . Money avoids the double coincidence of wants and allows for more specialization and productive efficiency.

Does money really need to exist? ›

It is important because our society runs on money. We live in a world where money has been woven into every aspect of our lives. Some would argue that there are more important things in life, and I would agree that there are. But money is important when you need it to pay for basic necessities or to cover emergencies.

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