Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (2024)

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (1)


Nintendo 3DS Legend

Towns Folk

  • #1

I'm the only one? haha
I prefer Daisy and I see everybody loving Peach or Rosalina...
Nobody likes Daisy, but me? LOL

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (2)


The Snow Bird

Towns Folk

  • #2

Because Daisy and Peach are basically the same. She seems more of a tomboyish Peach, and usually has better stats than Peach in the sports games, but I will say that she's not getting kidnapped all of the time. She's just never really had her own game and hasn't ever gotten much attention.

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (3)


Nintendo 3DS Legend

Towns Folk

  • #3

I think I prefer Daisy for her atributs in the sports games...

Yeah, Luigi should be saving Daisy, not Peach on Luigi U! Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (4)

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (5)

Jeff The Killer

Go. To. Sleep!

Towns Folk

  • #4

I like Daisy more, I don't hate Peach but having to save her again and again and again...

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (6)

and again I just started to find her annoying (if keeping her kidnapped was an option I would pick it every time). But, Daisy I think that she's cool and not as weak as Peach.



Restricted User

Towns Folk

  • #6

Like with most characters, I prefer the one with the character design I like the most, which out of the three is Rosalina.

Daisy is just...uninspired. I don't even dislike her for the reason the person above me does (which is the most common complaint).

She ugly too~~~~~~~~~~~~

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (7)


Never gives up a fight

Towns Folk

  • #7

Definitely Rosalina. At least she does things other than invite Mario to what turns out to be another one of Bowser's attempts to get even.

...Why the heck did Mario insist on rescuing Peach instead of staying with Rosalina? She doesn't have a record of being abducted by Bowser only to be abducted AGAIN 5 minutes after being rescued. If you ask me, Mario just needs to let Peach toughen up and save herself for once.

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (8)


Nintendo 3DS Legend

Towns Folk

  • #8

I don't like Daisy. the only thing I love from Daisy is Daisy hills on the mario kart 7 game, that track is fantastic. But coming back to the character I just don't see the relationship she holds with the rest of the crew. Was she ever kidnapped? or what is the point of her?

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (9)



Towns Folk

  • #9

I've always loved Daisy more, my brother as well.
She's a more tomboyish version of Peach. Not only is she a regal princess, but she's also more down and dirty than Peach.
The only redeeming trait I have for Peach is the Gamecube version of Paper Mario, where she's pretty decent to play with.
Though, I've just always liked the feel of Daisy a lot more.
I can't speak for Rosalina because I've never played a game with her.



Ultimate Despair

Towns Folk

  • #10

I don't like Daisy. the only thing I love from Daisy is Daisy hills on the mario kart 7 game, that track is fantastic. But coming back to the character I just don't see the relationship she holds with the rest of the crew. Was she ever kidnapped? or what is the point of her?

In super mario land 1, daisy gets kidnapped and mario saves her. But don't tell peach about that. Or the time he saved Paulina. Peach doesn't like that

Last edited:



Lime Pawpaw

Towns Folk

  • #11

I like Daisy more than Peach, but not more than Rosalina. She's a lot like Peach, innshe, and just as annoying to be honest. Rosalina is cool Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (10)

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (11)


Gotta get ORAS, AND fates?

Towns Folk

  • #12

Well I prefer Rosalinda over peach and daisy because she is more unique than daisy\peach. If you remember back in mêlée it think, one of peaches alt colors was daisy yellow dress and brown hair. So that's proof she is just basically a clone.

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (12)


Smooth Criminal :'

Towns Folk

  • #13

In super mario land 1, daisy gets kidnapped and mario saves her. But don't tell peach about that. Or the time he saved Paulina. Peach doesn't like that

i got that game on my 3ds it is pretty funny,i do prefer daisy in mario kart for the ds only though since she can drive better that peach in the game but sometimes peach over ranks her in some games but mostly its peach who gets most of the attention in the mario games.




Towns Folk

  • #14

I think that all three are pretty much the same except that Rosalina is more new and Though I like them all , I don't really play any of them in any games . If in some sort of occasion I want to play them I go for all of them so it is kind of neutral . I like playing Rosalina in smash though because of the moves but I play other characters most of the time ( PIIIKKACHUUUU !!! ) . When comparing all three , I choose rosalina

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (13)


Pikachuuuuuuu!!!!!!! <3

Towns Folk

  • #15

rosalina rosalina looks hot just because she has more noticeable blond hair for me lol but peache man am i tired of her we see her everywhere getting kidnapped and poor daisy like luigi has no spotlight i cant rememeber the last time i saw daisy if id guess right now id think shes a fat lazy midle aged women who hates the nintendo company xD

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (14)


NintenPedia Member

Towns Folk

  • #16

(REMEMBER: This is my personal opinion, and no one has to agree with me. Start a conversation with me and tell me your opinionDoes anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (15))
I personally like Rosalina better out of the 3. I like daisy second, and peach third. My reason why is because Peach is always getting kidnapped and can't save herself. She's more of a player for girls. Daisy is way better in that she seems more independent, and is more relatable, but she sort of is Peach with a different color pallet. Rosalina is AWESOME. Mario Galaxy was my first Mario 3D game and she had an awesome house that she drives around in like a comet. She has a better backstory in Mario Galaxy than Peach in any game. She is a very peaceful character and she is almost a queen with her luma's unlike Peach and Daisy who are princesses.

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (16)


Miimes lads!

Towns Folk

  • #17

I do like Daisy more than Peach, which is why I am truly saddened to not see her appear in anymore main stream games. New Super Luigi U SHOULD HAVE taken Daisy as the damsel in distress and not Peach -_- I really hate how Daisy is only featured in the sports and Mario Party games, and hopefully she gets an amiibo soon. Rosalina at this point has been shoved down a=our throats by Nintendo, so far as to make her playable in 3D World and Smash.....

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (17)


Not much, just killing dragons and eating gods

Towns Folk

  • #18

Beach please! Rosalina is so much cooler than the other princesses!

I love her hair, her voice and her dress (when we look under her dress in Smash trophies, there's a galaxy there. Not that I did that, a friend told me) :3

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (18)



Towns Folk

  • #19

I like Daisy better than Peach. Peach can be annoying sometimes. But I prefer Rosalina over the both of them. I like her design and she's the mother of the Luma's which is cute. :3

Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (19)


The Swordsman

Towns Folk

  • #20

I like Rosalina the best. She is almost like some sort of space witch or something. Even though I don't like daisy that much my sister LOVES her. Half the time when we play mario kart she always picks peach. The other half sh picks Daisy. By the way don't judge me. Just because I'm a dude I can't have a favorite mario princess.

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Does anyone prefer Daisy than Peach or Rosalina? | Mario and Mario Kart (2024)
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