Control's Book/Chapter IV (2024)

Control's Book/Chapter IV (1)

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Control's Book/Chapter IV (2)

"It can't be... I refuse to believe it."

WARNING: This page contains spoilers of the game! This means heavy plots of the stories are here.

If you haven't played the game yet, we suggest that you play the game first before reading the article.

Control's Book/Chapter IV (3)

"You still don't get it..."

This page contains some Mature Content, which means that this page is inappropriate for some users and may trigger them. Please LEAVE the page if you're not comfortable, thank you!

REASON: This page shows the Saigomo form of Kintoru, which is based off of a seductive yokai that might be inappropriate to some viewers.

Control's Book

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV


Chapter IV is the fourth and final chapter of The Mimic: Control's Book. The chapter takes place in Yasu's home after escaping from Omukade's Lair in Chapter III.

Chapter IV released on August 14th, 2021 and released the chapter to the world on August 15th. The Control Book’s revamp changed some areas, added a boss fight and changed almost all models of the monsters in July 10th. For those who are wondering when Nightmare IV released, it was released August 18th, 2021.


  • 1 Story
    • 1.1 The House and The Bloody Swamp
    • 1.2 The La Quinta School
    • 1.3 The Cursed Forest
    • 1.4 Sama's Final Lair
    • 1.5 The Sakura Arena
    • 1.6 Endings
      • 1.6.1 Good Ending
      • 1.6.2 Bad Ending
  • 2 Characters
    • 2.1 Player
    • 2.2 Monsters
  • 3 Locations
  • 4 Gallery
    • 4.1 Endings/Badges
    • 4.2 Part I
    • 4.3 Part II
    • 4.4 Part III
  • 5 Maps
  • 6 Miscellaneous
  • 7 Trivia


Temptation comes at a price, through manipulation, problems will arise. Their pain was required, and what they sought for was not what they desired.

— Old introduction

Will you be able to break free from control? Or will you be another mindless puppet forever?

— The description of Chapter IV

The House and The Bloody Swamp

Yasu is now inside of his old house and he notices something is off. He goes into the master bedroom upstairs and collects a key from a drawer. He then goes back downstairs and unlocks a door leading to the garage, which leads to the outside of the house, where he obtains another key. Using this key, he goes down to the basem*nt. He moves to the corner of the basem*nt, with several crates, and finds a crowbar lying behind these crates. After breaking down planks with this crowbar, he goes down a hallway to find a monster lying by a small pedestal near a crate with a key on it. He assumes that it is just a Halloween prop at first, until it jumpscares him and disappears, leaving him in confusion.

Yasu continues to explore the basem*nt. He uses the key and unlocks a door that leads down a hallway filled with chains, only to come across a cave with multiple dummies in them. Yasu now begins to doubt if he really is in his own house again, wondering if this is some sort of sick nightmare. These dummies act like Shizu but are much faster and more aggressive. After he successfully avoids the dummies, Yasu opens a door that brings him to a place he once knew.

The La Quinta School

Yasu is now back to his school, where everything started. When he tries to find 10-15 butterfly spirits in the halls of the school, he is chased by another monster that would mercilessly kill him upon notice. Yasu has to find multiple keys to open up doors to collect all the spirits needed. He may use the lockers and classrooms to conceal himself from the monster. Yasu collects all of the butterflies and escapes.

The Cursed Forest

After escaping the school, Yasu comes forward to a town, and makes his way into the building. Inside the building is a statue of Kusonoki which has a code on its baseplate. The code seems to be in roman numerals, and says "II-V-VII-III." Moving forward, he finds a door with a bright glimpse, however, he needs a butterfly spirit to unlock it. The two doors are a glowing door and a seemingly dirtier door. Yasu goes upstairs and finds a butterfly spirit stuck on a plant. He then uses this for the glowing door back downstairs. When Yasu enters the hallway, the music that Yasu's mother used to hum to him every night when he was little starts to play.

As Yasu keeps progressing, the walls begin to become red-tinted and the radio plays a distorted version of the music. After going through the long hallway, Yasu is greeted by a safe that needs a code. He enters the code he saw earlier (2573), yet the digits in the safe are in roman numerals. When the code is entered, Yasu is given a key, and has to go back through the hallway again to open the other normal door leading to Kusonoki's maze. Inside the maze, there are six cursed pieces and puzzles, and they are needed to be burned in the white flame which is next to a giant tree that looks exactly like a Jubokko Tree. When done, Yasu frees Kusonoki from the witch's curse. He tells Yasu that he is his great grandfather, and also tells him about the deal he made long ago to save his daughter, how he was tricked regardless, and how Sama cursed his entire bloodline. Kusonoki gives Yasu his blessed blade after telling the story and instructs him to destroy Kintoru.

Sama's Final Lair

After getting the blessed blade from Kusonoki, Yasu is teleported to what seems to be Sama's final lair. Yasu notices some of the monsters he encountered hanging from Sama’s spider web. Hiachi is scared, so her mother, Futaomote, comforts her. A red door spawns in and Yasu gets transported into her lair. She roams this area in her Saigomo form.

The Sakura Arena

After hiding in the cabinets and destroys all three hearts of Saigomo, Yasu finally faced Saigomo for the second and last time, battling her face-to-face using Kusonoki’s blessed blade. Yasu fights with the help of the butterfly spirits healing him. With each blow, her body becomes weaker, yet her attacks get mightier, as well as the burning rage seen in her eyes. Eventually, Yasu manages to weaken her to a point where she cannot even stand.


Before giving the final blow, Kintoru strikes a bargain with Yasu and gives him a choice; either save his parents, or to kill her once and for all.

Before understanding, the developers never updated the scenes in the revamp.

Good Ending

To get the ending, you have to choose "Kill Sama" instead of "Save Your Parents".

You see the Evil God saying "WHAT A USELESS TOOL" and seeing Saigomo getting dragged under the water into hell.

"You freed your ancestors and saved your parents. As the next day went by, you awakened with an anxious heart as you bolted down the stairs. You were greeted by your parents who didn't seem to have any memories of the incident. Everything seems normal... at least for now."

Bad Ending

To get the ending, you have to choose "Save Your Parents" instead of "Kill Sama".

When choosing to save his parents, Yasu is ultimately tricked by Kintoru as she says, "Wonderful, another one added to my collection. Humans are so easy to deceive." You were deceived by Kintoru also known as Sama. Kusonoki already warned you.



  • Yasu Masashige


  • Keiko Masashige (Minor Antagonist; Normal) / (Major Antagonist; Nightmare) (Major Character)
  • Tokito (Minor Antagonist)
  • Daku Masashige (Major Antagonist; Major Character)
  • Kusonoki Masashige (Major Antagonist; Major Character)
  • Saigomo (Main Antagonist; Final Boss)
  • Evil God (Good Ending; First Appearance)


  • Part 1 - The House and The Bloody Swamp
  • Part 2 - The La Quinta High School
  • Part 3 - The Cursed Forest
  • Part 4 - Sama's Final Lair
  • Boss Battle: The Sakura Arena



Good Ending.

Bad Ending.

Nightmare IV Completed "Kusonoki" - Obtained after beating Chapter IV on Nightmare Mode.

Part I

The Bloody Swamp.


Part II

Entrance of the school.

Daku Masashige in his puppet form.

Daku's jumpscare.

Keiko Masashige in her puppet form.

Keiko's jumpscare.

Part III

The Cursed Forest.

Kusonoki's second puppet form.

Kusonoki's jumpscare.

Kusonoki when he was unbind to the curse, as shown in the cutscene.

Part IV & V

Saigomo's Lair.


Saigomo's Boss Phase 1 Model.

Saigomo's Boss Phase 2 Model.

Saigomo's cutscene in The Sakura Arena.

Sama being called a useless tool by The Evil God in the Good Ending.

Chapter 4 ending screen.


The map of Chapter IV: Part II in Normal Mode.

The map of Chapter IV: Part II in Nightmare Mode.

Map for the cursed forest consisting Kusonoki's AI path, cursed items location, and etc.


The icon displayed on the matchmaking menu prior to the release of the chapter.


  • Chapter IV is the fourth and last chapter to ever be released in 2021.
    • It is also the fourth chapter to ever be released in The Mimic.
  • It is revealed in this chapter that Kusonoki Masashige had a daughter, whom he sacrificed himself for. (Said by Kusonoki in a message after he was freed by Yasu)
  • The female monster's name who appears in the Chapter Ⅳ trailer is confirmed to be Keiko, who is also Yasu's mother that chases him throughout the school in Nightmare Mode.
  • Saigomo's name translates to “At the End” referring to the fact that her third encounter with Yasu is at the end of Control’s Book.
  • This is the first ever chapter to have a boss fight, as the boss is Kintoru in her spider form, the other boss fights being the Ringmaster in Nightmare Circus, which was for the Halloween Event 2022, Nagisa in Jealousy's Book: Chapter II (during a ship battle before ending with Isamu Uchiumi using canon balls to kill her), Yurei in Jealousy's Book: Chapter III and Chenoo in the Snowy Hell event (which is only accessible in Jealousy's Book: Chapter III with Nyudo's help).
    • The Kintoru boss fight was absent pre-revamp and instead requires you to destroy seven of Saigomo's hearts to complete the game instead of three in the revamp.
  • Most people thought that the maps would remain same after the revamp, though the only noticeable changes is the amount of hearts Saigomo has, and the addition of the arena.
  • This chapter had the least amount of changes done in the revamp, this is possibly the "most subjective" revamped chapter.
Control's Book/Chapter IV (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.